Land Development Calculator


{{ errors.first('land_area') }}
{{ errors.first('land_cost') }}
{{ errors.first('unit_selling_price') }}
{{ errors.first('unit_built_up_area') }}
{{ errors.first('plot_ratio') }}
{{ errors.first('density') }}


GDV / 发展总值
{{ gdv | currency('RM ', 0) }}
GDC / 发展成本
{{ gdc | currency('RM ', 0) }}
Profit / 利润
{{ profit | currency('RM ', 0) }}
Profit Margin / 利润率
{{ (profitMargin * 100).toFixed(0) }} %

Profit Sensitivity Analysis

GDV Distribution

This development does not generate profit. Please reconsider.

  1. Cost Estimation excludes consideration of site and surrounding conditions due to insufficient information.
  2. Requirement for affordable housing and bumi quota is not considered.
  3. Cost Estimation is provided based on best estimate with assumptions.
  4. Should you required a detailed feasibility study for your development, kindly contact IPM at 1300-800-476.
    如您需要更详细贴切的发展项目可行性评估,请拨电+603-8066 7631联络IPM。